Messier 0 (Monkey Head Nebula)
Messier object number 0 (NGC 2174) is a diffuse nebula in the constellation of Orion.
It is also known as the Monkey Head Nebula.
It is approximately 6,400 lightyears away from earth.
The Monkey Head Nebula is a wonderful hydrogen emission nebula in the constellation Orion. It is quite a huge object, about 75 lightyears in diameter. Photographs reveal glowing areas of bright gas covered by dark dust clouds.
Hydrogen emission nebulae are cradles for new stars. Gravity pulls the hydrogen gas closer and closer together until it eventually becomes so dense it can form a new star.
Hydrogen emission nebulae are cradles for new stars. Gravity pulls the hydrogen gas closer and closer together until it eventually becomes so dense it can form a new star.