International Star Directory

Boost your Donations with our free Star Bundles

Personalized stars for your donors
Are you working for a charity looking to reward your donors? It has never been easier! With Staracle, you can offer your donors a very unique and personal reward for their donations. Here is how it works!
Picture of Mountain
Boost your donations
Bundle a personal star with donations made to your charity and make it more attractive to donate.
Stamp and seal
Reward your donors
A personal star rewards your donors in a very unique way and will create a special link between them and your organisation.
Stamp and seal
No cost or hidden fees
The full donation will be with your organization. Our program is easy to implement and suitable for charities of all sizes.
"Get a free premium name-a-star package
with every donation US-$20 and above!"
This could be the eye catcher on your web-site.
We offer this at no cost and no risk for you.
We will provide you with coupon codes that you can hand out
to all donors that contribute to your charity.

Individual Packages

If you want to hand over a special gift to your most important donors, then you can also name stars for your donoers yourself and customize them with the logo of your charity. A free premium package comes with each star, and your donors can claim the stars on our web-site.

Contact us if you are interested

If you are interested, please contact us so we can discuss the details. We are looking forward to hearing from you and help you with your fund raising campaigns! Or contact us by email at
Your name (optional): 
Your email-address: 
How did you hear about us? 
Your message:
We are using services provided by Google in order to prevent abuse of our services. Alternatively, you can always contact us by email. Please read our Privacy policy.
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