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Zodiac: Libra
Sep 24 - Oct 23
Read more about Libra.
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Capricornus (Capricorn)

The Capricorn is one of the oldest constellations. It is often depicted as a combination of a goat and a fish due to its ancient name in the Babylonian culture. Such crossbreeds between sea and land animals played a significant role in the ancient mythology.
About 2500 years ago, the sun reached its southernmost position while passing through Capricornus (winter solstice, or midwinter). The geographic latitude where the sun is then in zenith at noon is therefore also called Tropic of Capricorn.
This constellation belongs to the zodiac. Its time of the year is between December 22 and January 20. This constellation does not belong to the zodiac. It's brightest star is Algedi (δ Capricorni).
Neighboring constellations are Sagittarius, Microscopium, Pisces Austrinus, Aquarius, and Aquila. Have a look at our full list of all constellations.
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Historic illustration of the Capricorn in Urania's Mirror.

Objects in Capricorn

A selection of interesting objects visible with a telescope.
M30 (NGC 7099)
a globular star cluster in the constellation Capricorn
Image credit: NASA / ESA

A few stars named in Capricorn

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