The star has a magnitude of
16.34 mag and is at a distance of many light years.
It is at coordinates -39.6735° (declination) and 17h 50m 38.4s (right ascension). Your star is in the constellation of Scorpius (Scorpion, read more on this constellation).
Right ascension
17h 50m 38.4s (267.66000°)
The magnitude (brightness) is measured on a logarithmic scale. Small numbers mean bright stars: A star with a brightness of 1 mag is 100 times brighter that an star with 6 mag.
16.34 mag
The distance is measured in light years (LY). A light year is the distance, that light travels within one year. 1 LJ is equal to about 5,878,630,000,000 miles.
manymany ly
This star belongs to the huge UCAC 3 catalog. It is identified by this number in the UCAC 3 catalog.
Spectral type
not in database
Color index
not in database
Every star belongs to a constellation, and 12 of those constellations are part of the zodiac.
Scorpius (Scorpion)
The scorpion shape can easily be spotted in this wonderful constellation. Various different myths exist regarding this constellation.
In January, this star can be viewed from in the morningin the evening.
Around 12:12am in early 01 (EST), it can be found at an elevation of 0° in the 0. Please make sure that no obstacles (such as building, mountains, or trees) are impeding your view.
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