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Zodiac: Taurus
Apr 21 - May 21
Read more about Taurus.
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Staracle Certified Star Naming Entry

Ryder Nichols

This star shines brightly in the memory of sweet Ryder. It lies close to Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. When you see Sirius, know that Ryder is close by.
This star shines brightly in the memory of sweet Ryder. It lies close to Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. When you see Sirius, know that Ryder is close by.
The star has a magnitude of 7.43 mag and is at a distance of many light years. It is at coordinates -16.05° (declination) and 6h 43m 41.82s (right ascension). Your star is in the constellation of Canis Major (Big Dog, read more on this constellation).
This star is named to:
Ryder Nichols
It was named on:
December 8, 2012
It was named by:
Robin Lodal
This star shines brightly in the memory of sweet Ryder. It lies close to Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. When you see Sirius, know that Ryder is close by.
Right ascension
6h 43m 41.82s (100.92426°)
The magnitude (brightness) is measured on a logarithmic scale. Small numbers mean bright stars: A star with a brightness of 1 mag is 100 times brighter that an star with 6 mag.
7.43 mag
Spectral type
not in database
Color index
not in database
Every star belongs to a constellation, and 12 of those constellations are part of the zodiac.
Canis Major (Big Dog)
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