Sagitta (Arrow)
This is the third-smallest constellation in the sky. Its shape reminds of an arrow, which supposedly was fired by Hercules. The constellation was already known by the ancient Greek. Sagitta lies in a very starry region of the night sky, making it a joy to look at it with binoculars.
The brightest star in Sagitta has a magnitude of only 3.5mag. The most prominent deep-sky object is M71 (NGC 6838), a tight star cluster of 7th magnitude at a distance of 18.000 light years.
The brightest star in Sagitta has a magnitude of only 3.5mag. The most prominent deep-sky object is M71 (NGC 6838), a tight star cluster of 7th magnitude at a distance of 18.000 light years.
This constellation does not belong to the zodiac.
Neighboring constellations are Hercules, Aquila, Delphinus, and Vulpecula.
Have a look at our full list of all constellations.